Wackaloon Fucking Cat Foibles

June 20, 2008

Here is the latest installment of our Feline Evolutionary Psychology series. What the fuck is the cat thinking when it “hides” under the bed, but its big fat fucking tail is sticking all the way out into the room?

10 Responses to “Wackaloon Fucking Cat Foibles”

  1. geeka Says:

    They know that their tail is there. It is sort of like bait.

    It has been my experience that cats that do this also don’t know how to use their whiskers.

    It’s funnier when a dog does it!

  2. Fixer Says:

    It’s a fuse. Heh …

  3. Lisa Says:

    Huh. I was thinking my son was pretty damn smart for knowing he has to crawl all the way out of my view (including feet) in order to play peekaboo effectively. However, now I am not so sure, as you expect more intelligence out of your cat!

  4. larue Says:

    Poosy Gato is punishing the useless human for some reason.

    Lack of attention, lack of food. Dirty water bowl, NO MILK IN BOWL!

    All feline behavior is a form of punishing the human slaves.

    Gato is pretending to be lost, to make you feel bad. Only, the tail.

    “Come and get me useless slave, I crave adulation . . . and bring food when you do it or I’ll stay here for the rest of the hour.”

  5. WereBear Says:

    Cats are funny about their tails. They can be perfectly still while stalking… yet the tip of their tail will twitch, or even the whole tail will lash around.

    “Body aware” cats will hide their tails, but this is a difficult concept for them to grasp. Witness their continued efforts to squeeze their adult body into kitten sized containers.

  6. The reason that cats do anything: they don’t care what you think.

  7. Pinus Says:

    Abel is correct

  8. PhysioProf Says:

    How dare they not care what I think! Those little fuckers!

  9. Cat Says:

    Having read all of your posts on cat behavior, and watched my cat for many years, I have decided that not only do cats do whatever they want, but they also do them as cutely as possible so that we then give them undivided attention.

    It must be part of their evolutionary process as this insures that they get fed without expending energy.

  10. MissPrism Says:

    The cat’s tail mimics a venomous snake to scare rival predators away from its territory, hence the stripes and occasional twitching. Over the next few hundred thousand years, I expect eyespots and a forked tail-tip resembing a tongue.

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