Wackaloon Theocratic Sick-Fuck Right-Wing Scumbags Embrace Their Deep Hatred For Women

August 1, 2008

A draft regulation [circulating in the Department of Health and Human Services], still being revised and debated, treats most birth-control pills and intrauterine devices as abortion because they can work by preventing fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus.

From right-wing propaganda outlet The Wall Street Journal.

PhysioProf, you are so angry and shrill! PhysioProf, we need to reach out to the right-wing and build bridges, because we all really just want what’s best for America. Yeah, yeah, fuck you.

When are you motherfucking dipwads gonna wake the fuck up and realize that there is no “reaching across the aisle” or “building bridges” with people who hate you, your values, your families, and everything you care about in life, and would like to see all of that destroyed?

8 Responses to “Wackaloon Theocratic Sick-Fuck Right-Wing Scumbags Embrace Their Deep Hatred For Women”

  1. When are you motherfucking dipwads gonna wake the fuck up and realize that there is no “reaching across the aisle” or “building bridges” with people who hate you, your values, your families, and everything you care about in life, and would like to see all of that destroyed?

    Depends on whom you’re talking about. If you’re talking about ordinary human beings like you and me who want a decent, happy life, then you’re correct.

    If you’re talking about the Democratic party — Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and yes, even Barack “all options are on the table; faith-based initiatives; Warrantless wiretapping won’t be abused, trust me” Obama — however, it makes a lot of sense for them to build bridges with the Republicans.

    The Democratic party (or those who control it) have almost as much contempt for ordinary people as do the Republicans. They can come to terms, because their fundamental goals are compatible: screwing the people. Their only difference is whether that screwing should be done by strength or subtlety.

    No matter how often the Democrats screw the people, we keep going back to them like abused children to their abusive parents: better the devil you know.

  2. Ouyang Dan Says:

    A giant “word”.

    So glad I found your blog from your guest posts on Feministe. I absolutely love it!

  3. larue Says:

    Great rant, but alas Physio, too few people really see the threat as that bad. And it is, bad.

    Whether they stand on orange crates on the street corner in black trenchcoats, white shirts and black hats with blazing eyes, throbbing purple neck veins, sweat pouring their brow, waving that BOOK by dagw . . . or whether they work in the cubicle next to you and perform well on teams, they WILL work to destroy you and your way of life.

    Soon, legislated prayer in the office place.

    Every waking moment they work for it.


  4. Fuck that, if I reach out to these motherfuckers, it will be to knock a few teeth loose.

  5. larue Says:


    Wrap yer knuckles, first . . . .

  6. i am with busted knuckles

    there is no talking or reaching with these people…..
    i so look forward to the day this country finally divides and the right wing can go have their own country with Intelligent design and 45,000,000 unwanted kids

  7. DidoTwite Says:

    Thank you, just for putting it in plain English.

  8. DidoTwite Says:

    Love you, PP.

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