Right-Wing Scumbuckets Suck My Fucking Dick

August 26, 2008

These republican right-wing scumbags make me want to puke. There was some shitbag right-winger commenter moaning and groaning on some ScienceBlog earlier today (maybe Mike The Fucking Scientist, I forget) about how we all want the best for the country and its citizens and how we need to not vilify our political opponents yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

Yeah, well fuck you asshole! The sick-fuck deranged right-wing shitbags that control the republican party have spent the last 40 years feeding on hate and doing everything they can to fucking destroy everything in the world that normal non-deranged people care about. As far as I’m concerned, these fucknozzles can suck my fucking dick. I have about as much interest in reaching out to these depraved fuckwastrels as I do cutting off my balls with a rusty fishknife. Fuck these motherfuckers.

13 Responses to “Right-Wing Scumbuckets Suck My Fucking Dick”

  1. bikemonkey Says:

    how ’bout that Hill though….rockin’

  2. Physio, have I ever told you your posts move me to tears? Tears I tell you! Poetry! *cries*

  3. Busteduckles Says:

    I am constantly amazed at these queefs.
    What part of Fuck Off and Die don’t they understand?
    Motherfucker, take a deep breath and look at the facts.
    Never mind, just go play tag with a train and make sure to leave a note for your offspring reminding them how much fun it is to read the hubcaps on passing cars.

    Darwin awards, we likes ’em.

  4. Wait a minute…I would never be involved in that post-partisan bullshit. Besides, I like villifying people.

  5. Ellis Says:

    I read the rant, I loved the rant. If we had a party like the Republicans in Britain I’d be vilifying my ass off all the time.

  6. PhysioProf Says:

    Mike, I was referring to a commenter at your place, not to you yourself.

  7. Suzan Says:



    Come on. Tell us how you really feel!

    We’re waiting for your unguarded moment.

    Carry on.


  8. Renee Says:

    Call that shit out. While you are at it, the stupid colluders who identify with them against their class interest. McCain made it clear that rich is 5 million a year and so if you are making less than that what the fuck are you doing voting for him?

  9. Paulina Says:

    wow, so eloquent…

  10. Gordon Says:

    Good short slightly less-than-professorial rant, my man! Good on ya!

  11. Horace Fudpucker Says:


    McCain was joking when he said that. I’m not a fan of his, but I don’t like distortions.

  12. PhysioProf Says:

    McCain was joking when he said that.

    Thinking that anyone other than the 0.1% of Americans whose interests depraved sick-fuck right-wing scumbags like McCain represent would find that “joke” funny is yet further evidence of McCain’s grossly delusional mental state.

  13. i just nominated you for a Pulitzer. you make F Scott Fitzgerald proud

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