Decoding Sick-Fuck Republican 1337 Speak

March 28, 2009

Apparently, the Democratic-controlled legislature and Democratic governor of the State of New York have come to an agreement to revise the draconian “Rockefeller” drug laws, that have been imposing horrifyingly long mandatory sentences on many non-violent drug offenders for over 30 years.

The agreement between Paterson and his fellow Democratic leaders in the Assembly and State Senate would shift the emphasis, for nonviolent drug users, from jail time to treatment.

“Drug abuse is an illness,” the governor said. “More and more, we’re discovering that it’s a treatable illness.”

Paterson, along with Senate Majority Leader Malcolm A. Smith and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, claimed the agreement could save $250 million for the state.

They also say the pact would provide judges with the sentencing discretion they need and increase the penalties where they should be stiffened — in dealing with drug “kingpins” and dealers who sell to children.

Sounds pretty moderate and reasonable and compassionate, right (considering there is no political will at all to simply end the “Drug Wars”)?

Well, Republican response to moderate and reasonable and compassionate shit is so predictable:

Nonsense, cried the Republican legislators and their friends in law enforcement.

Of course, “law enforcement” is against anything that takes money and power away from their grandiose schemes to militarize civil society with power-mad deranged authoritarian personality defectives driving around our cities and towns in Hummers with motherfucking machine guns compensating for the fact that their mommies and daddies treated them like pieces of shit when they were children.

And then there’s this:

“This is a bill that will create havoc not only in the streets of New York City and Buffalo, but it will spread to the suburbs,” Volker added. [emphasis added]


Hey, white-ass motherfucking authoritarian paranoiacs! Listen up! These so-called “non-violent” nigger and spic druggies from the ghetto are coming to your white-ass motherfucking suburbs and they’re GONNA GETCHA!!!111!! and they’re GONNA GETCHA CHILDREN TOO!111!!!11!!! OOGA BOOGA!!!11!! OOGA BOOGA!!11!!!!!111!!

These dumbfuck Republicans have only one fucking move left in their tapped-out pathetic playbook: prey on the reptilian fears of the most debased and ignorant members of our society. This shit just ain’t working anymore.

51 Responses to “Decoding Sick-Fuck Republican 1337 Speak”

  1. bikemonkey Says:

    So what makes you think that shit isn’t working? That fear gambit always works…

  2. Paul Gowder Says:

    I had always thought they were compensating for small penises, not parental mistreatment. Oh well, to-ma-toe, to-mah-toe.

  3. leigh Says:

    but no!!1! not teh suburbs!!!11!!

    because all of the arrests happen to the urban-dwelling nonwhite nonrich drug users, that means the suburban white rich drug users don’t exist. clearly.

  4. YouKnowWho Says:

    You people are so full of shit.

    CPP maybe you are a racist after all..I was kidding before, mostly (I didn’t appreciate the headline on the Gin & Tacos site-that part I was sincere about), but as someone of working-class white background I resent this racist shit…dragging me because of my skin color into a CLASS issue. It’s also ironic as I am from the exploited class.

    Two thirds of white people in the US are living paycheck to paycheck. Rich white suburbanites? Some of the poorest whites are rural or ‘suburban’ – White bashing as a way to increase liberal cred and relieve guilt is pretty tacky. You’re fucking scientists – why does all reason leave your minds when it comes to non-scientist issues. Be SPECIFIC please when you are throwing around insults.

    Also I don’t know about this particular situation but I do know that many Republicans have called for an end to the drug wars, and other conservatives, such as Libertarians, would like to legalize all drugs.

    Thank you.

    ps. Clinton put more non-violent drug offenders behind bars than any previous administration, including Nixon and Reagan.

  5. YouKnowWho Says:

    On another matter, CPP, I was shocked to read in another thread that you are a woman. I think it is very deceptive, not to mention anti-feminist, of you and Dr. No to hide behind male aliases. Changing your name is understandable, but major aspects of your identity is another thing – I would like to know what motivated you.

    Thanks again,


  6. leigh Says:

    “you know who”- wtf? rural is nowhere near the same as suburban. know your terms before using them.

    also, there’s a big difference between living paycheck to paycheck and living in poverty. (if i need to point this out, even people making 150k/year can live paycheck to paycheck if they blow all their money. meanwhile, poverty is federally defined and generally indicates that your income does not meet your material needs.) poverty rates in nonwhites are well above those in whites. this is a known fact, go look some shit up, the stats are out there.

    this follows, the most inner-city dwellers do tend to be the poverty-stricken nonwhite populations. because rent is cheapest in the nastiest, most crime- and drug-infested neighborhoods.

    finally, getting back to my point, nonwhites are arrested at a far higher rate for drug-related crimes than whites. there are stats to back that up. so go look some shit up before making an ass of yourself calling ME the racist.

  7. YouKnowWho Says:

    blah blah blah

    who the hell are you? I wasn’t talking to you. Or maybe I was. I’m confused now.

    But I think you are too.

    You are living in the past – and anyway this is all irrelevant. There are more poor white people, working class, and lower middle-class whites than any other race. Why should they all suffer insults??? All white people are not equal. Blacks are moving to the suburbs in droves. As soon as they can afford to. Stop basing your hatred on skin color please.

    Thank you!

  8. leigh Says:

    lol, using numbers from 2007 is living in the past? statistics are irrelevant? and you’re telling me that i’m the one who needs to be thinking scientifically? get off your fucking high horse, dude, and do some fucking reading.

    i base my hatred on people who make asses of themselves. the real world still presents significant challenges to nonwhites.

  9. Nancy Ortiz Says:

    This piece didn’t elicit much agreement, did it? As to racism, the numbers of those arrested and/or incarcerated for drug use/possession are what they are. As to demographics, the suburbs are primarily white. As to the politics of the drug war, rationality has nothing to do with it. I don’t regard generalizations based on more or less accurate statistics as particularly racist. However, I would note that exurban and rural working class or poor white people are now experiencing a near epidemic increase in methamphetamine use. This is a new development in an old problem in this country and has a destructive effect on families all over the country. Nevertheless, I see no intent in this piece to denigrate anyone. Poverty and “crime” have always gone together, whether the people affected are white or black.

    As to poverty, my grandfather was a sharecropper in South GA, my daddy was farmed out to work for 35 cents a day at age 14, then became a migrant farm worker for a time during the Depression. He earned top wages as a meatcutter during the ’50’s and became disabled in the 60’s. In short, I have some knowledge of poverty. Being a Southerner, I also have some experience of racism.

    I can’t find any grounds for finding racism in this piece by I write elsewhere under a pseudonym and am often taken for a man. I find the latter fact extremely amusing and do not regard myself as particularly feminist. My idea of gender equality is that I get paid the same as men. Period.

    YKW has it in hs/hr power to exercise tolerance and take this piece for what it’s worth. Or not.

  10. bikemonkey Says:

    There is nothing about Comrade, Physio OR Prof that denotes or connotes either sex. How is CPP hiding behind a male alias???

  11. YouKnowWho Says:

    Leigh, I’ve been meaning to tell you, that photo on your web page is seriously vertigo-causing, in fact I think it is the most disturbing image I have ever seen. I can’t stand to have it in my field of view long enough to read the first post. Is it supposed to be disturbing, or is it just me?

    Nancy: What does any of the above have to do with anything?

  12. bikemonkey Says:

    NoIDon’tKnowWho, WTF? What does this post have to do with poor appy-latchian dumfuck whitefolks? The existence of such people doesn’t make upper middle and rich ass whites nonracist. .

  13. bikemonkey Says:

    Oh and Leigh, have you stumbled across an anti-idiot-troll banner image? Coolio! You could make millions!

  14. DuWayne Says:

    Nancy –

    However, I would note that exurban and rural working class or poor white people are now experiencing a near epidemic increase in methamphetamine use. This is a new development in an old problem in this country and has a destructive effect on families all over the country.

    Nothing particularly new about it. Meth, even more than cocaine, has always been more of a beige person drug. Honestly, I attribute the rather dramatic rise in use in recent years, to media sensationalism. Tell folks that everyone’s doing it and a lot of them will wonder why they aren’t.

    YKW –

    White bashing as a way to increase liberal cred and relieve guilt is pretty tacky.

    Show me one fucking line of white bashing in CPP’s post or this thread – just one.

    Also I don’t know about this particular situation but I do know that many Republicans have called for an end to the drug wars…

    Name one prominent republican politician, besides Ron Paul, who has.

    …and other conservatives, such as Libertarians, would like to legalize all drugs.

    There are a very few libertarians who would begin to identify as conservatives and few enough who actually qualify as conservatives. Being rather conservative about economics doesn’t make one a conservative. And there are plenty of libertarians who aren’t even complete nuts about economic policy.

    On another matter, CPP, I was shocked to read in another thread that you are a woman.

    Don’t believe everything you read. While it may be true that CPP occasionally wears what are traditionally considered women’s clothes (may be true), CPP is totally a man.

    You are living in the past – and anyway this is all irrelevant.

    No asshole, it’s not.

    I have spent most of my adult life in poverty. I have lived in shitty fucking neighborhoods, where shootings were a regular part of life. And even there, where I could barely afford to support my family, I was privileged because of the beige skin tone.

    Cops didn’t fuck with me or my fellow beige neighbors. They may stop to ask a couple questions, but while that stop may last all of thirty seconds to a minute for me, it would last more like ten to fifteen minutes and inevitably end with requests to search the party, if said party wasn’t beige in color. Privilege isn’t just about money, it’s about attitudes and assumptions. It’s about people who, if they saw me driving down the street in a really nice car, would assume I’m a professional, but who would, if they saw a black gentlemen driving the same car, would assume he’s a drug dealer.

    Never mind that back when I was slinging weed, I drove a pretty nice car and had nice things.

    I can’t stand to have it in my field of view long enough to read the first post.

    I have a funny feeling that leigh won’t be upset if you decide not to visit there.

    Is it supposed to be disturbing, or is it just me?

    Totally just you.

    leigh – could I use that picture, in case YKW decides to visit me?

  15. BikeMonkey Says:

    haha! your first customer!!!!

  16. leigh Says:

    ha, sweet! who knew the simple distant point of focus was the anti-troll panacea?

  17. On the bright side, things could be changing. A lot of Republicans (even the National Review editorial board) have enough of a libertarian streak or dislike of the police powers created by the drug war to support some form of legalization. Polls seem to say that this is a trend among the voters as well. Unfortunately the actual elected officials don’t seem to caught up.

  18. YouKnowWho Says:

    “Show me one fucking line of white bashing in CPP’s post or this thread – just one.”


    “Hey, white-ass motherfucking authoritarian paranoiacs! Listen up! These so-called “non-violent” nigger and spic druggies from the ghetto are coming to your white-ass motherfucking suburbs”

    I also find this offensive

    “poor appy-latchian dumfuck whitefolks”

    and who has used the word spic in the last 30 years?

    also if you all are going to base your opinions on statistics and probabilities (what percentage are in living in poverty, probability of being pulled over etc) what is your rational for leting jews and asians off the hook. ooo now we switch to a different set of rules.

    can you express an opinion without bringing color into it. don’t tar all whites with the same brush. indentured servants were bought and sold and treated the same as slaves. when the most recent waves of immigrants were white they were treated just as badly as the current crop. stop making it all about race. and making racism=inequality=something white people do more than other colors. total bullshit. look around the world. stop spewing the party line and think for yourself.

    “ha, sweet! who knew the simple distant point of focus was the anti-troll panacea?”

    normally people INCLUDE the point of focus, rather than awkwardly crop it off. what effect are you trying to achieve?

  19. YouKnowWho Says:

    Michael Savage was calling for an end to the drug war just last week.

  20. Spiny Norman Says:

    YKW is a pathetic troll. I really would expect for you to be pulling higher-grade trolls than that, CPP.

    Oh, well. In any case the parent post is (per the norm) spot-on.

  21. YouKnowWho Says:

    I am not a troll, Spiny. I’m serious. Why hasn’t anyone responded to my specific points? I made some good points. Spiny’s comment, on the other hand, is entirely hostile and content-free. But I get called a troll. Nice.

    DuWayne, you seem to have a hair trigger, even when it is someone else’s fight. Try not to take things so personally. btw my nephew lives in Michigan and just got out of jail for a non-violent drug conviction and he’s white. (You are probably glad because it ‘evens up the score’-sickos)

    so it’s okay to say “poor dumfuck blackfolks” around here? And call Kim Jong-il a “yellow-ass motherfucking authoritarian paranoiac”? just trying to get the PC rules straight.

  22. DuWayne Says:

    YKW –

    “Hey, white-ass motherfucking authoritarian paranoiacs! Listen up! These so-called “non-violent” nigger and spic druggies from the ghetto are coming to your white-ass motherfucking suburbs”

    Is not a slight on white people, it’s a slight on white-ass motherfucking authoritarian paranoics! And;

    “poor appy-latchian dumfuck whitefolks”

    is nowhere to be found.

    …and who has used the word spic in the last 30 years?

    Plenty of racist fucking asshats still use that word. Go visit a white supremacist site or two. For more mainstream examples, go check out Media Matters dot org and do a site search for “spic,” you’ll find politicians and other public figures who have thrown it out there – usually accidentally. But if they are able to say it publicly on accident, one can assume they they’re used to saying it out of the public eye.

    also if you all are going to base your opinions on statistics and probabilities (what percentage are in living in poverty, probability of being pulled over etc) what is your rational for leting jews and asians off the hook. ooo now we switch to a different set of rules.

    What the fuck are you talking about? Most Jews are white and rather hard to profile as Jews driving while Jew. Asians, on the other hand, tend to fall into a racial stereotype of being law-abiding to a fault. While Asians are often victims of discrimination, it is generally not by getting fucked with by the cops.

    The fact of the matter is, while plenty of us beige folks break the drug laws and commit traffic infractions, darker skinned folks get thrown in jail for drug offenses at much higher rates and get pulled over more often. Other racial and ethnic minorities are irrelevant.

    don’t tar all whites with the same brush.

    Nobody is you fucking moron.

    indentured servants were bought and sold and treated the same as slaves.

    Which is relevant how exactly? You’re talking to people who, were it happening today, would have issues with it. Bottom line, those of us who have ancestors who were indentured servants, aren’t still discriminated against today.

    when the most recent waves of immigrants were white they were treated just as badly as the current crop.

    We aren’t, for the most part, talking about a current wave. We’re talking about people who’s ancestors have been here as long as a great many beige people’s ancestors have.

    stop making it all about race. and making racism=inequality=something white people do more than other colors.

    See now, I happen to be one who hammers at anyone being a racist fucking moron, no matter what their skintone. But by and large, here in the U.S., racism is more prevalent amongst us beige folks than folks of other colors.

    normally people INCLUDE the point of focus, rather than awkwardly crop it off. what effect are you trying to achieve?

    Apparently the fucking moron repellent effect.

    Michael Savage was calling for an end to the drug war just last week.

    Who in the fuck is Michael Savage? Presumably a republican politician – who does he represent?

    Why hasn’t anyone responded to my specific points?

    I responded to every one of them you fucking moron. And in case you’re wondering, you asking this question, when that is what I did, is why I keep calling you a fucking moron.

    I made some good points.

    No you didn’t. See my point by point response to them.

    DuWayne, you seem to have a hair trigger, even when it is someone else’s fight.

    It isn’t someone else’s fight. If you are implying that as a beige guy, I should just let your bullshit whining slide, sorry – not going to happen. I have observed first hand the sort of racist bullshit you’re trying to let slide. I watched my neighbors, most of whom were also my friends, get treated like shit, because they didn’t happen to have the same skintone I do. I’m not ok with that.

    If OTOH, you are claiming this is CPP’s fight, I’m still on bitch. You accused a friend of mine of being racist. Where I come from that’s a pretty nasty accusation and not something I’m inclined to put up with, whether it’s me being accused, or my friends.

    btw my nephew lives in Michigan and just got out of jail for a non-violent drug conviction and he’s white.

    I’m white and have been in jail for non-violent drug convictions too. So fucking what? Doesn’t change the fact that it happens in much higher proportions to people who are dark skinned.

    (You are probably glad because it ‘evens up the score’-sickos)

    Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit! Now I am taking it fucking personally asshole. You obviously know nothing about me, to accuse me of fucking wanting to see anyfuckingone in jail for fucking non-violent drug offenses. I am and have been for most of my fucking life, an ardent supporter of the legalization and regulation of illicit drugs. I’ll be overjoyed if I live to see the day that no one goes to jail for that.

    Beyond drugs, all I want to see is equal enforcement of the fucking law. In general, I am very much a law and order kind of guy and have little use for assholes who commit crimes. I do make exceptions for those committing acts of civil disobedience, but that is in my opinion of the perpetrators, not in my belief that crime should be punished. I am absolutely disgusted by the notion that I would have an easier time getting away with shit, than would the women I’m falling for, merely because I’m beige and she’s not.

  23. leigh Says:

    YKW, how many times are you going to use a term entirely out of context and present a totally null argument? indentured servants are not the same as slaves. indentured servants willingly entered a contract, and there was a defined time period during which they worked, after which they were free. they gained something from the contract too, for example, transportation to the us.

    look, google is your friend. really.

    the point here is that there are ingrained assumptions about people based on outward appearances, like skin color. white people, like it or not, have a lot of advantages.

    the point made in the article was that the drug arrests happened downtown, but the suburbs were considered relatively free of drug users and drug-related crime. and i’m saying that there are plenty of drug users in suburbia, they’re just not getting their front doors busted down and getting hauled off in cop cars because of it.

    so really, i’m saying that there are plenty of white people doing drugs, they just don’t get noticed. does that sufficiently turn things around to fit your bias?

  24. YouKnowWho Says:

    “indentured servants are not the same as slaves. indentured servants willingly entered a contract, and there was a defined time period during which they worked, after which they were free. they gained something from the contract too, for example, transportation to the us.”

    this may be so in the fairy tales you were told as a child…

    “look, google is your friend. really.”


    “the point here is that there are ingrained assumptions about people based on outward appearances, like skin color. white people, like it or not, have a lot of advantages”

    so do asians. in some areas they are doing better than whites so can we talk about their ‘yellow asses’ in those cases?

    and as I said before not all white people are equal. Or treated equally: what group of people is it still okay to make stereotypical fun of, both privately and publicly (from the halls of PC academia to the media)?

  25. Spiny Norman Says:

    That’s a lot of time to spend on a fucking troll, you (splendid and Comradely) fools.

  26. YouKnowWho Says:


    What did the Democrats do while in power? They STEPPED UP law enforcement and threw MORE non-violent drug offenders in jail. Aww, the democrats are so compassionate. There has been a movement building for some time to end this madness and it is pretty apolitical. I think it is reaching critical mass- it has nothing to do with who is in power.

    Yes, CPP, law enforcement loves the drug laws. And sure, I can believe that they are on friendlier terms with the Republicans. But the demos have historically been as spineless as spiny here on the issue.

    Insult away Spiny, you have nothing to say as usual.

    CPP, apologize for or defend your racist remarks, please. Relying on your little hench-CPPs is wimpy. And I still want to see the rules spelled out – when is it okay to use skin color as a pejorative on your site?


    you know who

    ps. consider yourselves warned. Racist posts will be flagged in the future.

  27. ps. consider yourselves warned.


  28. Spiny Norman Says:

    Do not engage the troll, Comrades. You will only end up coated with its slimy fecal exudate.

  29. DuWayne Says:

    You will only end up coated with its slimy fecal exudate.

    Baahh, CPP’s got his Jameson and I’ve got my pills for that. (Still wondering what the hell a Pitt is though)

  30. YouKnowWho Says:

    Look at you all running scared at the slightest threat to your neat little black and white view of the world! Fine, run away babies.

    “I’ve got my pills for that”

    glad to hear it, DuWayne I was worried about you. You were really frothing at the mouth over someone you had identified (incorrectly however) as a troll. You should know better, as a blogger yourself.

  31. DuWayne Says:

    Look at you all running scared at the slightest threat to your neat little black and white view of the world! Fine, run away babies.

    Shit fucknut, I’m still waiting for you to actually respond. You whine about no one addressing your points, yet fail to respond to the people who do.

    Fucking troll.

    You were really frothing at the mouth over someone you had identified (incorrectly however) as a troll.

    No, I’m just an asshole in general and cranky while dealing with changes in my meds. About the only thing you said that really pissed me off, was the implication that I should be fucking pleased that your nephew was in jail.

    I’m not running away, I’m right here and willing to go some more rounds with the fucking moronic troll. When said moronic troll actually responds that is.

  32. YouKnowWho Says:

    On the contrary DuWayne you burst out of nowhere with a super-long post full of standard cliches – I don’t have ten fucking years to play switch the statistic with you and leigh. I would like a response from coward CPP to my main points, which you did not address – 1. the drug war is not an exclusively Republican obsession, and 2. white people are not all alike or all equal – some are empire-building racist assholes but some (most) are basically peasants like everyone else on the planet and do not deserve to have their skin color used in a pejorative fashion. If you responded to either of those points I missed it – it’s hard to read your posts as they are very rude and abusive – why should I read them at all when you can’t even be polite?

  33. I would like a response from coward CPP to my main points


  34. DuWayne Says:

    You don’t have to play asshole, but quit whining about no one addressing your pathetic little points if you don’t.

  35. YouKnowWho Says:

    LOON???? pathetic little points??? Clinton throwing more non-violent drug offenders in jail than his Republican predecessors is a “pathetic little point”??? How’s that exactly?

    So CPP, you are saying that someone who doesn’t agree with you, who has observed (and written about) the political response to the drug wars for years, is a loon by virtue of the fact that they don’t agree with you?

    DuWayne, there are hundreds of millions of non-white people in the world who have more power and money than you appear to. Stop hating your own race. Do some research. white-privilege was a scam perpetuated on poor whites by rich whites to keep the slave classes (black and white) from joining forces in the early colonies.

  36. So CPP, you are saying that someone who doesn’t agree with you, who has observed (and written about) the political response to the drug wars for years, is a loon by virtue of the fact that they don’t agree with you?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH! No, you are a loon because you tenaciously grab onto one small little tiny piece of a post that happens to feed into one of your idiosyncratic obsessions and DEMAND ANSWERS!!11!!!11!!, brand those who choose not to satisfy your boring obsessive demands as COWARDS!11!!!1!!, and bizarrely tell people who are trying to ignore you to CONSIDER THEMSELVES WARNED!!!11!!!1!!1! that posts that piss you off will be FLAGGED!!11!!1!!!ELEVENTY!!11!!!11!

    I hope this clears things up. You are certainly welcome to rant and rave here all you want, but you should not be disheartened by the fact that you might be mocked, ignored, or otherwise reacted to in ways that do not satisfy you.

  37. BikeMonkey Says:

    YKW: white-privilege was a scam perpetuated on poor whites by rich whites to keep the slave classes (black and white) from joining forces in the early colonies.

    hey, an inkling of a prayer of a hope of an insight!!!

    yes, inculcating dumbass rural peasant whites into the conceit that no matter how bad shit got, “at least I ain’t a nigger”, was a brilliant scam. problem is, it worked. beautifully. and it continues to this day. this explains why dumfuck poor people who happen to be white vote continually for the party which screws them over economically, i.e., because they identify with skin color more than with socioeconomic status.

    It worked on you too which is why you are mewling on pathetically about imagined racism of expression rather than focusing on the real problem of the economic screwing being imposed on the country by the hereditary wealthy class.

  38. DuWayne Says:

    white-privilege was a scam perpetuated on poor whites by rich whites to keep the slave classes (black and white) from joining forces in the early colonies.

    Dumbfuck, read my responses. I have fucking witnessed it – up close and personal. No, I do not have the wealth that a great many people do, even people of other skin tones. Yet I was treated very differently by the cops in my last shitty neighborhood in Portland, than my neighbors with darker skin were.

    I have basically fallen for a women who is rather darker skinned than I am. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach, that in a lot of places, even a progressive city like Portland, OR, the police would treat her differently than they would treat me. Hell, it makes me sick to my stomach, that my old downstairs neighbor, who works two jobs trying to get his family out of that shithole was harassed by the same cops I was, not five minutes after I was.

    It took them less than a minute, based on my skin color, to realize there was no reason to fuck with me. They fucked with him for nearly fifteen minutes, yelling at him and repeatedly asking him why he didn’t want them to search him (his daughter was standing on the balcony watching this). He finally just consented, so they would leave him the fuck alone. They also threatened to charge me with interfering when I went back over and tried to explain that he was my neighbor and not even a drinker, much less into illicit drugs.

    White fucking privilege isn’t some fucking myth asshole, not here in the U.S.

    Stop hating your own race.

    I don’t you dumb fucking moron. And it is precisely stupid fucking comments like this that are the reason I say nasty things to you. That you could extrapolate from anything that I’ve said, that I hate my race, is indicative of the notion your’e a fucking moron.

  39. YouKnowWho Says:

    “you tenaciously grab onto one small little tiny piece of a post ”

    that in regards to the drug war Democrats are moderate and reasonable and compassionate and Republicans are predictably paranoid was a “tiny” piece of your post?

    I used to think you were cool CPP, but you seem to be a control freak – NOT cool.

    DuWayne is also an ass with no manners. I can no longer respond to such a verbally abusive jerk.

    BikeMonkey – “It worked on you too which is why you are mewling on pathetically about imagined racism of expression rather than focusing on the real problem of the economic screwing being imposed on the country by the hereditary wealthy class”

    I think you are finally getting it. You just have it backwards – you should be explaining this to CPP.

  40. I used to think you were cool CPP, but you seem to be a control freak – NOT cool.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, I’m such a control freak that I freely permit your obsessive off-topic wackaloon ranting and raving in the comments to my blog.

  41. DuWayne Says:

    Whine away dumbfuck. I’m being an asshole, because you insult our intelligence with your stupidity and presumptions.

  42. YouKnowWho Says:

    Sorry CPP, I think it’s obvious to everyone reading this that I won the debate and you are desparately grasping at straws. So sad….

  43. Sorry CPP, I think it’s obvious to everyone reading this that I won the debate and you are desparately grasping at straws. So sad…

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You are also a total fucking wackaloon because you delusionally believe yourself to be participating in a “debate” that you can “win”. LOON ALERT!

  44. it’s hard to read your posts as they are very rude and abusive – why should I read them at all when you can’t even be polite?

    Yes. This protest of yours makes so much sense! Because introducing oneself to a comment thread with “You people are so full of shit” is the epitome of courtesy. And it’s too bad that your opponents in this “debate” can’t follow your shining example . . . oh, wait . . .


    Thanks, CPP. You made me laugh my coffee out of my nose!

  45. YouknowWho Says:

    Juniper – I didn’t set the tone of the debate. And that was a general statement – plenty of poeple around here jump into arguments that way. CPP does it all the time. Other than that general, friendly challenge, I have been pretty polite. For the most part.

  46. YouknowWho Says:

    CPP, why are you getting so excited and spending so much time on a troll? A troll who has vanquished you with one hand tied behind his/her back….you are a hypocrite who complains about a man merely noting a woman’s attractiveness, while you think it’s okay to use racists terms like “white-ass” as a slur in your posts…and you send your horde of sycophants and henchbloggers after anyone who disagrees with you.

  47. DuWayne Says:

    Umm, Fucking Moron, no one sent me after anyone. And I came after you rather hard, when you called someone I consider a friend, racist.

    And I hate to say it, but you’re the only one here who seems to think you won shit.

  48. LostMarbles Says:


    You steadfast commitment to indignation is somewhat admirable. Most people would have flounced away in a frenzy of butthurt, but you stay on to fight the good loony fight. Your comments over the past couple of days have made me both rofl and rage. Thank you.

    Honestly, the only replies that YKW deserves at this point are cat marcos, and I would be happy to oblige except I don’t know CPP’s opinion on them.

  49. YouKnowWho Says:

    I vanquished CPP on the “blogging while female” thread as well (that’s 2 out of 2) with this post (his harem of – apparently “hot” – female blogger followers are hypocrites also):

    Why do women want it both ways? It’s accepted when Chick with PhizzleDizzle calls Corrinne Yu a “hott Asian chick kicking ass and taking names in a male-dominated computing field” to which Mrs. CH said…

    That is really cool! Thanks for posting this! I don’t know why, but I love to hear about scientists that are smokin’ hot women!

    or when Arlenna at Chemical BiLOLogy brags about her student evals calling her hot:
    # “Her facial features. She is probably the most beautiful teacher I have ever had.”
    # “HER HOTTNESS (two T’s)” **(sic–”two T’s” was NOT added by me, lol)
    # “She’s much better looking than Dr. Y. She also goes slower”
    # “she’s pretty damn hot”

    to which Professor in Training said…

    Haha – congrats on your excellent evals … and on your hottness!

    and Massimo (formerly known as Okham) said…

    Congratulations, you hottie !

    what kind of example is this setting for the men? No wonder their confused.

    Also, I’ve been wondering for some time why it is so important for female bloggers to let everyone know how hot they are – who cares????

    Isis the Scientist said…

    May I add a hearty “yes?” I noticed I was treated differently when I was looking up to the white haired old dudes compared to now when I want to be one of the white haired old dudes.

    Except not white haired and totally hot.

  50. BikeMonkey Says:

    and you send your horde of sycophants and henchbloggers after anyone who disagrees with you.

    look up top. that’s P.h.y.s.i.o.P.r.o.f., not P.Z.M.Y.E.R.S.

    get your spelling straight, dude.

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