Thought For The Day

January 20, 2010

The Democratic Party is that hapless skinny fucking dweeb on the beach getting sand kicked in his face on the inside back cover of the comic book by the smirking muscle-bound dumbfuck.

13 Responses to “Thought For The Day”

  1. Nice — or maybe the Democratic Party is the musclebound Dumbfuck and the hapless dweeb is the “progressive” who keeps voting for him in spite of getting sand kicked in his face every time. Time to bury the Dems (don’t get me wrong, the Reps too!).

  2. Harold Says:

    If only they would gamble a stamp and get that FREE book.

  3. Phledge Says:

    Usually I’m totally on board with ya, CPP, but that hapless dweeb never really did anything to deserve getting sand kicked in his face. I’m calling the Dems the Nice Guys (TM) that are surprised when a woman doesn’t pony up her vagina at the end of a date that included dinner at Sizzler. Assholes.

  4. The Barefoot Bum Says:

    No, the Democratic party is the palooka paid to take a dive in the third round.

  5. The Barefoot Bum Says:

    Nice Guys (TM) that are surprised when a woman doesn’t pony up her vagina…

    I know it’s a metaphor, but this specific bullshit stereotypical metaphor irritates me personally. I don’t know whether you’re mixing your metaphors or are just an asshole, but the whole “nice guys (who) don’t get laid” concept is so completely full of shit that it fails even as a useful metaphor.

  6. Phledge Says:

    I use “Nice Guys (TM)” as it is used on Twisty’s website, if that helps. Genuinely good-hearted individuals of all gender expressions may or may not choose to engage in or seek sexual relations, and as long as it’s consensual I don’t give a flying fuck what happens between whose sheets. I don’t think that makes me an asshole but everyone’s methods vary.

    Where I’m coming from is that the Dems have pretty much thrown us progressive-types some scraps and are shocked, shocked I tell you, that we aren’t impressed with their just-right-of-center antics. They dangle Roe over women’s heads, they assure us that LGBT rights are just over the horizon, they insist that some health care reform is better than none at all. To me, that’s someone telling me I can’t do better so I should take what I can get. That’s someone telling me that I owe them a great deal for such a small effort on their part. That’s someone telling me that, since they haven’t beaten me to a pulp, they’ve done enough to deserve my affection, trust, companionship, and loyalty. The first best metaphor that came to my mind was the way some of us vagina-types do still get prodded into pronging post-prandially.

  7. The Barefoot Bum Says:

    I use “Nice Guys (TM)” as it is used on Twisty’s website, if that helps.

    It does: I’m not familiar with precisely how she uses this specific term, but Twisty is tres chic in general. Still, I myself am IRL an extremely nice guy who has… well, you know… I’m not particularly fond of the metaphor in general.

    Where I’m coming from is that the Dems have pretty much thrown us progressive-types some scraps and are shocked, shocked I tell you, that we aren’t impressed with their just-right-of-center antics.

    No argument there… except to note that most progressive do seem to be… well, if not precisely impressed, then definitely tolerant and forgiving in a creepy Stockholm Syndromish way.

    I don’t fault the Democrats at all, though. I fault the progressives. It took me about 6 months of really paying attention to politics and economics to go from progressive liberal Democrat to a stone-cold revolutionary communist. (And not that much longer to go from generic liberal Christian to militant atheist.)

  8. Oilfieldguy Says:

    No, it’s worse. You are referring to the old Charles Atlas advertisement. For your analogy to be correct, you must read the cartoon in reverse.

  9. Phledge Says:

    I don’t fault the Democrats at all, though. I fault the progressives. It took me about 6 months of really paying attention to politics and economics to go from progressive liberal Democrat to a stone-cold revolutionary communist. (And not that much longer to go from generic liberal Christian to militant atheist.)

    Yeah, I hear you there. So it sounds like we’re on the same page then. Just my bad wording, probably.

    Not to totally derail, but Twisty’s Nice Guy (TM), to paraphrase my understanding of it, is a man who thinks that, if he rises even remotely above the neanderthal grunting of his wank-obsessed comrades, he has bought himself a full-access vadge pass. See what I did there? 😉 Definitely a different animal from N guyus in the wild.

  10. Phledge Says:


  11. The Barefoot Bum Says:

    Yeah, I hear you there. So it sounds like we’re on the same page then.

    Groovy. Up the revolution, comrade!

    Twisty’s Nice Guy (TM) … is a man who thinks that, if he rises even remotely above the neanderthal grunting of his wank-obsessed comrades, he has bought himself a full-access vadge pass.

    A colorful metaphor indeed. I do not believe, however, that this is the best metaphor for Democratic politicians and party officials: it appears that the progressive intelligentsia really has supplied the “full-access vadge pass”.

    Democratic party politicians and officials don’t want to fight, because fighting causes them to lose elections and/or be publicly humiliated for life. We’ve actively selected against the fighters, and seem surprised and dismayed when those remain act passively.

    But it goes deeper than that: Paul Krugman has just as much invested in capitalist privilege as Rush Limbaugh. Krugman is simply deluded that the capitalist ruling class can or will Do The Right Thing because it’s The Right Thing To Do, i.e. even if it’s not in their individual or mutual self-interest.

  12. Katharine Says:

    Here’s an idea: I don’t think it’s so much Democrats against Republicans as it is cool-headed rationally-minded liberals against wacko liberals against wussy Democratic politicians against tea party idiot pieces of shit against plutocratic assbags/asshat Republican politicians.


  13. Katharine Says:

    The ‘wacko liberals’ I speak of, out of the many liberal groups, are the HuffPo/anti-vax/PeTA shitbags.

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