Biomedical Innovation

April 9, 2011

Over and over during the brouhaha about A2s and multiple-R01 PIs, this old saw has been brandished:

Innovation is, and always was, higher in smaller/younger labs[.]

There is never any fucken evidence marshalled in support of this claim.

2 Responses to “Biomedical Innovation”

  1. anon Says:

    Perhaps that comment was a sweeping generalization. I think the more important point was that a lot of new faculty can’t get out of the starting gate without funding. It’s true that a lot of people are leaving the country (at least from my narrow circle), or leaving science altogether.

    Figure 1 in Rocky’s blog post is meaningless. I’d like to see the distribution of dollar amounts to PI’s. Figure 2 suggests that a large proportion of the NIH budget is being held by a few investigators, with numbers of people holding 3+ grants rising steeply since 1986.

  2. Spiny Norman Says:

    “There is never any fucken evidence marshalled in support of this claim.”

    Or that one.

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