Colin Powell Is An Arrogant Delusional Motherfucker

February 10, 2008

Colin Powell had some things to say to CNN on Friday, including that he may very well endorse a Democrat or an Independent in the presidential election. That sort of political ratfuckery is unremarkable for a craven self-promoting shitheel like Powell, and not intrinsically of any interest to the non-insane. However, Powell said something specific that made me vomit a little bit in the back of my throat:

“I will ultimately vote for the person I believe brings to the American people the kind of vision the American people want to see for the next four years,” he said. “A vision that reaches out to the rest of the world, that starts to restore confidence in America, that starts to restore favorable ratings to America. Frankly, we’ve lost a lot in recent years.”

Is this asshole fucking kidding!?

Hey, Powell, you arrogant delusional motherfucker! The reason that the entire world despises the United States is because of our invasion and occupation of Iraq. And you played a critical role in convincing the American people and, more importantly, our Congress that going to war in Iraq was really, really, really an excellent and important thing to do. Do you remember saying this?

The gravity of this moment is matched by the gravity of the threat that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction pose to the world. Let me now turn to those deadly weapons programs and describe why they are real and present dangers to the region and to the world.

This was a total fucking lie. You knew that the intelligence was cooked. You lied to the entire fucking world, and created the shitstorm we’re in.

You frittered away all your credibility as a serious military man on the fevered war fantasies of Bush’s raving wackaloon neo-con “advisors”. The Iraq invasion and occupation–which if not for you would possibly have remained nothing more than a limp-dick neo-con wet dream–utterly destroyed the global good will towards the United States that was built up through careful nurturing over many decades. And now you have the fucking gall to sanctimoniously lecture the nation about how “Frankly, we’ve lost a lot in recent years”!?

Dude, you fucked us up. If it weren’t for you, we very well may not have lost a lot. Not only did we lose the esteem of the world, but we have lost, and continue to lose, the lives of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, and hundreds of billions of dollars.

This blood and treasure is on you, motherfucker. You’re a sick lying bastard. Take your goddamn “endorsement” and shove it right up your fucking ass. Oh, and FUCK YOU!

6 Responses to “Colin Powell Is An Arrogant Delusional Motherfucker”

  1. bikemonkey Says:

    hey, if he provides cover for self-hating or self-promoting black repubs to vote ‘bama, so much the better.

    why you bringing up old stuff, g?

  2. Daisy Says:

    Great post! THANKS FOR WRITING IT! He drives me crazy whenever I see him, continually holding forth in his oblivious-yet-arrogant fashion.

    bikemoney, old? The interview was only a few days ago. I’m sure we’ll see more of his clueless ass during election season, too.

  3. Myrtle June Says:

    I hope he doesn’t endorse a Democrat. Just say no. feh.

  4. bikemonkey Says:

    ‘vision’, ‘restore confidence’. MJ, he just fucking did endorse a Dem. Mo’bama to be exact.

  5. […] If it is true, this could potentially shift substantial votes towards Obama. Which speaks volumes for how fucking delusional vast swaths of the American voting public are, and how quickly people forget what a pivotal role Powell played in the evil lying traitorious rush to war in Iraq and what a lying…: […]

  6. […] stroking the shaft!?!? This lying motherfucker is an opportunist through and through. He has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. He’s a slimy right-wing rat deserting a sinking ship. He’s just […]

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