Fuck Colin Powell (UPDATED)

October 19, 2008

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s teh awesome that Powell has endorsed Obama, and might help him with military voters and, specifically, in Virginia. But for fuck’s sake, do we really need to suck the head of his motherfucking cock while lovingly stroking the shaft!?!? This lying motherfucker is an opportunist through and through. He has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. He’s a slimy right-wing rat deserting a sinking ship. He’s just maneuvering for some kind of cabinet position in an Obama administration. Jesus motherfucking christ! How about sucking the dicks of some indefatigable real progressives, and not these turncoat GOP flee-fuckers?

UPDATE: Well fuck me in the ass:

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says that former secretary of state Colin Powell is welcome to campaign for him and might have a place in his administration.Powell crossed party lines Sunday and endorsed the Democratic presidential candidate on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Obama told NBC’s “Today” show Monday that Powell “will have a role as one of my advisers.” Whether Powell wants to take a formal role, Obama said, would be “something we’d have to discuss.”

46 Responses to “Fuck Colin Powell (UPDATED)”

  1. thoughtcriminal Says:

    Thank you for pointing out the obvious, or at least, what should be obvious.

    Still puking at the memory of his UN appearance.

  2. Tina Says:

    No surprise. About 98% of black people will be voting for Barack Obama. Yet, ironically they are the ones who are complaining about racism.

    Obama is no Bill Clinton. Clinton is a de-regualtor just like John McCain. Clinton was the one who introduced NAFTA, which McCain supports.

    Obama is more of a extreme leftist. $1 trillion in new spending, more government programs and interventions, sending welfare checks to 45% of the 95% of the people in his tax plan because 45% of those people don’t even get taxed.

    Politicians like Obama are such pimps. They promise to spend a trillion dollars on you, but they don’t tell you that they are using YOUR MONEY!

    Obama’s Black Liberation Theology is based on Marxism for black people, the foundations of Communism. Even Bill Ayers was an extreme leftist.

    Our economy is very important, McCain is better for our economy. I hope people get educated before they vote.

  3. I know whatcha mean, PP. It’s like all day people have been putting on silk gloves and lining up to give Colin Powell a handjob.

  4. Dr. A Says:

    Tina — are you kidding me? “complaining about racism”??? Please elaborate. Or tell me your comment is some form of sarcasm I can’t clearly see.

  5. How about sucking the dicks of some indefatigable real progressives…

    Because all the real progressives are “communists” and “terrorists”.

  6. ilyka Says:

    Point taken, PP. Nevar forget!

    But what he said, especially about “so what if he were Muslim?”, needed sayin’. And it wasn’t being said much–not by Obama, not by indefatigable real progressives. So that meant a lot to a lot of people.

    I like what Vanessa said:

    I pretty much consider Colin Powell to be a war criminal. But this is the most moving and effective take-down I’ve seen of the McCain campaign’s ugliness in recent times.

    That ain’t suckin’ dick, right? Right.

  7. George Smiley Says:

    “Tina” is a racist filth-pig. As much as I dislike McCain, and as much as I do think that Obama is a pretty damned good centrist politician, the *real* reason I’m voting for Obama is a bit different. It is to make the microcephalic filth-pig Tinas of the world miserable.

    Fuck you, “Tina,” and enjoy the next eight years.

  8. Physiogroupie IV Says:

    Disagree. As vile as some of Obama’s bandwagon supporters may be, a vote for Obama is at least a step in the right direction.

    The more the merrier!

  9. If BJ’s are being handed out, give me a holler.

    Colin Powell is directly responsible for knowingly selling the invasion of Iraq with false information.
    Never forget that.

    Fuck Him.

  10. Lab Lemming Says:

    This thing I dislike most about dubya is the way he did all his really nasty dirtywork through moderate Republicans in a way that destroyed their careers. Christine Whitman’s chief of staff is on my ballot paper- on the township level. Evidently she can’t even mount a county wide challenge at this point. Grrr.

    As for Powell, don’t whinge too hard- he might have just won you guys enough of the military vote to take NC.

  11. Nan Says:

    Also still puking when I think about Powell at the UN. He waited so long to endorse Obama that opportunistic rat is a howling understatement. If the poll numbers were just a tad different, he’d be right there lining up to teabag McCain.

  12. George Smiley Says:

    Nan, I don’t think so. I think that this was timed for when it might have the most impact, and has been planned for months. My bet: Powell is the narrator of the 30 minute network TV buy that Obama’s made for next week.

  13. Sarah Says:

    Suddenly because Powell is endorsing obama he is not as evil as he used to be? Yet, Powell was the one encouraging the Iraq war claiming they had WMD. Anyone with intelligence knows that Powell is endorsing based on race.

    98% of black people are voting for obama just because he is black. White people are split between obama, nadar, and McCain. Think about it.

    The truth is this is a race campaign. The Democrats control the senate and congress and have the lowest approval rating in US history. The Democrats couldn’t even beat Bush in the elections thus why they are going after the black vote in the US, about 45 million blacks. Thus, why obama voted present over 130 times, avoided the tough issues, and never challenged his party leaders on senate to preserve his political career. Only 143 days on state senate when he decided to run for office.

    The Democrats lost because the US is not a socialist/communist system. Americans fought against Nazi Germany, their socialist party, and communist USSR for decades, just to name a few.

    Again, Clinton supported deregulation and introduced FTAs like NAFTA. That is why the US economy was strong during his administration. McCain also supports deregulation and fights for FTAs like NAFTA. These initiatives will help our economy. Our economy is very important, McCain is better for our economy. I hope people get educated before they vote.

    US businesses create US jobs. obama wants to limit the growth of US businesses, which is limiting the growth of US jobs. If you increase tax on US businesses they will either just relocate to a lower tax country taking American jobs with them, pass the added tax cost to consumers or go bankrupt. GM and Ford can barely compete globally and obama wants to tax them more. The smaller businesses that are reliant on GM and Ford will also be greatly affected, destroying more US jobs.

    The US is the land of opportunity not the land of equal outcome. Why should government take your money and give it to people who are already on welfare to spread the wealth?

    What Caused Our Economic Crisis? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RZVw3no2A4

  14. Now here’s something interesting. Both right-wing wackaloon scuzbucket sick-fuck talking points cut-and-paste comments from “Sarah” and “Tina” are coming from the same IP address. I wonder if this is a pwned machine running a spambot? If it is, I wonder who is paying to have a botnet comment spam McCain campaign talking points?

  15. Dr. A Says:

    My, my, people.

    War criminal + Bush’s ex-bitch turns into an Obama supporter = Change We Need.

  16. Becca Says:

    @Sarah/Tina other racist whackaloons-
    98% (+/- 2%) of white people who presume to know why black people are voting for anybody are 100% fucktarded.

    @Tongzhi et al
    I don’t much care for Powell (and I will never trust the judgement of anyone who could be so wrong on the WMD question), but I was absolutely flabergasted to see how much his endorsement meant to a friend of mine who was raised in a Republican military family. Basically, there were a lot of people who would have lined up to service Powell regardless of what he’d said; having them lined up on the Obama side is a lot better than the alternative.
    And the Muslim comments were desperately needed, although I don’t anticipate McCain/Palin/RNC et al will heed them.
    Powell also stated, calmly and clearly, that all taxes are the redistribution of money- mostly taking money from some people and giving those same people back roads, hospitals and schools they need and want.
    It’s a truly sad comment on the idiocy of certain Republican far Right/Libertarians that this utterly obvious truth sounded so profound (by comparison), but it was good to hear it from him.

  17. George Smiley Says:

    Botnets… That’s an interesting idea, PhysioProf. If correct, it probably should be followed up in a more serious way.

  18. bikemonkey Says:

    I’m seriously reconsidering. Powell deserves credit for his deconstruction of the current Repub policies. Major credit. Perhaps enough to start his rehabilitation process.

  19. juniorprof Says:

    Coming to this way late, but I agree with the bikemonkey. Powell was wrong about the war and led us into a terrible disaster; however, the available evidence (like FrontLine’s Bush’s War) would suggest that he fought within the channels to get it back onto some semblance of the correct direction and when he continue to speak up, they canned him. Unfortunately for him, he never went straight to the public to blow the whistle. Two terrible mistakes, no question.

    Now he is coming out forcefully in support of Obama and making all the right arguments about how fucked up the McCain campaign is. His little interview after his appearance on meet the press yesterday was as well-spoken an argument for Obama and a return to a reasonable social contract (e.g. reforming tax structure) that I have heard from a non-Obama surrogate.

    And on his potential role in an Obama administration. You folks may think I am off my rocker, but, the military needs reasonable and well informed civilian leadership. Civilian leadership that puts the safety of our troops first as we attempt to get out of these messes. Regardless of his past transgressions, I think that Powell understands these problems and that he would be an excellent choice to help put policy in place for safe redeployment and an eventual full withdrawal.

  20. bikemonkey Says:

    aaahh, but he’s not a ‘civilian’ jp. retired or not he brings the military perspective.

  21. Decades of off-the-deep-end deranged GOP wackaloonery have so distorted the standards of political behavior, that any Republican who displays the slightest sign of some degree of rational thought process immediately gets a line of Democrats waiting for their turn to jerk him off.

  22. bikemonkey Says:

    True, but Powell went far beyond showing the slightest sign here. He issued a reasonably comprehensive repudiation of not just the candidate, not just some fucking faceless operatives but of the whole fucking Republican policy on hate and division.

    Question is, will he sustain his critique and work to redress the dismal outcome of his UN war backing?

  23. juniorprof Says:

    but he’s not a ‘civilian’ jp
    He’s a civilian now, anyway, I’m not saying he should have a cabinet post, although several sec of defense appointments have been former military (like Robert Mcnamara) just maybe not the same level as Powell.

  24. juniorprof Says:

    Decades of off-the-deep-end deranged GOP wackaloonery have so distorted the standards of political behavior, that any Republican who displays the slightest sign of some degree of rational thought process immediately gets a line of Democrats waiting for their turn to jerk him off.

    You know, I hear you CPP; however, I’m so tired of the meaningless back and forth, the anti-america crap, etc., etc., that I’m willing to sit back and relax watching Republicans get in line for their Dem love. They know what’s coming and maybe some of them want to be part of what will hopefully be a coming revolution in how we look at our government. As far as I am concerned, people like Powell and Hagel are important voices in helping the middle right break free of the far right to finally leave them behind. The sooner that happens, the sooner we can have meaningful debates about the nuances of dealing with our massive national challenges.

  25. Lab Lemming Says:

    Here’s a question for all those left wing whackaloons who use the words “Nader” and “Vote” in the same sentence (e.g. Sara):

    If Sarah Palin is woefully underqualified to run the country, then what the fuck is Ralph Nader? The whole fucking point of the Executive branch is to get stuff done. Nader’s entire career is based on preventing, canceling, and impeding stuff. Compared to him, Palin is Otto von Bismark. But somehow, the question of competence is only raised when pretty women are running, and not gray old men.

  26. bikemonkey Says:

    riiiiiiigghhht. Preventing shit like seatbelts and airbags….oh wait, he was for those.

    But no he isn’t Presidential material.

  27. Renee Says:

    Granted that Powell is no innocent but what he said needed to be publicly said. Regardless of the fact that he is a problematic body the more people that call McCain for his racist tactics the better.

  28. Robin Says:

    I liked what he said about ‘Muslim’ being incorrect when applied to Barack Obama, but not a dirty word in itself. I wish someone would say the same about ‘socialist’.

  29. George Smiley Says:

    Powell’s reframing of the smear — in essence, yeah, motherfuckers, what if he IS a Muslim? — was genuinely transgressive. Not one major figure on the left or the right, let alone one of his stature, has had the balls to say what Powell said.

    He may be a war criminal, but unlike others in the present regime and in both political parties, he does not appear to be a sociopath. He achieved some small measure of redemption. It is by no means complete, but neither should it be dismissed.

    It was an important thing to say: if we as a nation are to have *any* hope of a reasonable domestic or foreign policy, it has to be said.

  30. Marksman2000 Says:

    “I will never trust the judgement of anyone who could be so wrong on the WMD question”

    WMD question? What’s that?

    Iraq sits atop an ocean of oil. That’s the answer to every question about why we went into Iraq.

  31. Becca Says:

    Markman2000- either in the interview where Powell announced his endorcement, or somewhere in the copious filmage in the press love-a-thon that ensued, Powell did talk about why we went into Iraq. He was slightly smarmy and did not say outright that we would not have gone into Iraq had it not been for WMD concerns. But he implied it. I think that, in his own mind at least, he is using it as a rationalization (albeit perhaps an after-the-fact fabrication).

    I strongly suspect that, given that we did invade Iraq and gas is still not exactly el cheapo, the oil answer indicated everybit as poor-judgement as the WMD answer.
    The evilness of invading somebody to steal something that belongs to them vs. the (relative) virtue of defending the world against nuclear proliferation is a seperate issue.

  32. Jane Says:

    To Robin, socialist is a dirty word. If you look at the record for capitalism versus socialism, you will find that capitalism FAR exceeds socialism (and communism and fascism) in the quality of life it has given to the people living within that system. Socialism maintains mediocrity for everyone and it is really contrary to human nature. The majority of the greatest innovations and scientific/technological breakthroughs have been made in capitalistic societies. It is in our human nature to compete for resources. However, if I am competing and discover something really cool, like a drug for diabetes, then everyone will benefit because I will sell it to people.

    Capitalism is the ONLY social/economic system that supports and protects individual rights. In Socialism, the GOVERNMENT owns everything and allows the individual to have certain powers. I don’t trust the government to hold all the cards.

  33. In Socialism, the GOVERNMENT owns everything and allows the individual to have certain powers. I don’t trust the government to hold all the cards.

    Do you trust massive multinational corporations and the exceedingly small number of ultra-wealthy individuals who control them to hold all the cards?

  34. Lab Lemming Says:

    “Do you trust massive multinational corporations and the exceedingly small number of ultra-wealthy individuals who control them to hold all the cards?”

    It sure is fun to watch those ultra-wealthy folks go broke and beg the government to buy their sorry asses out.

  35. Jane Says:

    Comrade Physioprof, first of all the problem with the government holding all the cards is that they have a monopoly on guns, military force and currency. Multinational coporations, e.g. Pfizer, can’t break down my door and demand my tax dollars and send me to jail. Only the government can do that.

    You’ve bought into the argument that blames capitalism for the failings of fascist governments. These ultra-wealthy people you hate are also the people in our government. That is why our economy is failing- because we have collusion with government and industry, i.e. the good old boy network.

    Your candidate, Obama, voted and promoted the bailout bill which gets America one-step closer to fascism.

  36. Jane Says:

    As much as you may hate a big company, like Shell Oil, they don’t have their own personal army.

  37. juniorprof Says:

    Pfizer, can’t break down my door and demand my tax dollars and send me to jail.
    No, but they can charge you more than you can afford for drugs you need to stay healthy or alive.

  38. Ian Says:

    Yeah, I’ll take my chances with Pfizer over the IRS goons any day.

  39. Robin Says:

    Jane –

    To Robin, socialist is a dirty word.

    No; you think socialism is a bad thing. My point was that it’s unhealthy to have politicians pointing at each other and yelling “Socialist!” just as it is for them to point and yell “Muslim!” regardless of the truth.

    Less to the point, here’s why I think you’re wrong:

    If you look at the record for capitalism versus socialism, you will find that capitalism FAR exceeds socialism (and communism and fascism) in the quality of life it has given to the people living within that system.

    What records should I look at? They’re not comparable. Capitalism’s record goes at least as far back as the disgusting slums of the Industrial Revolution, and arguably includes downtrodden peasants and slaves thousands of years before that. Socialism can’t compete.

    Socialism maintains mediocrity for everyone and it is really contrary to human nature. The majority of the greatest innovations and scientific/technological breakthroughs have been made in capitalistic societies. It is in our human nature to compete for resources.

    Again, you’d have to wait till socialism and capitalism have been given enough time each for a fair comparison to make that argument. Anyway, many of those innovations happened at public institutions or without financial incentive for the innovator in question. Space travel and the internet – between them probably responsible for most of the huge technological advances of the second half of the twentieth century – relied on massive public funding.

    However, if I am competing and discover something really cool, like a drug for diabetes, then everyone will benefit because I will sell it to people.

    Everyone who can afford it, anyway! I’m not sure what you’re comparing that to.

    Capitalism is the ONLY social/economic system that supports and protects individual rights. In Socialism, the GOVERNMENT owns everything and allows the individual to have certain powers. I don’t trust the government to hold all the cards.

    I’d like to remove the dichotomy between ‘the government’ and the people.

    Oh, and fuck “human nature”. It’s the laziest, easiest way to defend the status quo against any advancement, because it doesn’t even depend on the status quo working. It’s been used to defend forcing women to stay at home, slavery, imperialism, and every socially accepted evil in history.

    In another post:

    As much as you may hate a big company, like Shell Oil, they don’t have their own personal army.

    Ken Saro-Wiwa would disagree.

  40. Jane Says:

    To Robin,

    Okay, you make a good point about government-funded research being pretty amazing. But I also have a counter-point there. I am finishing up my Ph.D. in chemistry at a major research university. I work in a hostile, sexist environment for a white, tenured, male professor in a chemistry department that has NO female professors. Many of the professors in my department are downright abusive to their students. Basically, academic research in the sciences, with the aid of government funding, has been able to remain a sexist, abusive environment. In contrast, when I look at the private industry at potential companies where I might get a job, it is totally different. They actually claim to value women and have initiatives in place to help promote women. Pfizer actually has several programs in place to help women and has been consistently ranked high by working-mom magazine for their family-friendly policies. In my research department, they couldn’t even get enough money together to get childcare provided for a new female prof.

    Industry is interested in hiring women and promoting women because they are in a free market, competitive environment. Also, because it makes them look good, so they get some positive PR. Academic research is stuck way back in the 1950s. I hear comments all the time from my peers about women not being as smart, capable as men, etc. My friends in industry tell me that would not happen, and if it did, you would report it to HR.

    In academia, which is essentially an arm of the government and operates on NIH and NSF funding, things are much worse for women than they are in industry. Pfizer is getting it right and the government, in the form of academia, is not.

  41. Out Says:

    Hey Robin, I’m a poor college student and I can’t afford a medical procedure that I need. Please be a good socialist and send me $10,000. Thank you.

  42. George Smiley Says:

    “Jane” typed: “As much as you may hate a big company, like Shell Oil, they don’t have their own personal army.”

    You really don’t know jack shit about what goes on in oil-producing states, do you, Jane?

  43. Robin Says:

    Out, I live in the UK so my taxes do pay for medical care for people poorer than me and I’m proud of it.

  44. Jane Says:

    Really, oil companies have armies in the U.S.? Which ones? If they do please let me know and I will certainly revise my argument. (no joke). The last time I checked our government was the only entity with an army, the very government that has invaded and bombed other countries, which is the government that everyone here wants to give even MORE money and power to.

    If companies are corrupt, it is up to our government to put those people in charge of them in jail. If our government does not enforce the law, then our government is corrupt (which I agree it is). If our government is corrupt, why on earth would you favor increasing their power by giving them even more money and control over resources?

    If companies are doing bad things, they should be punished. Why aren’t they being punished? If it is because the politicians in charge are in bed with the CEOs- well, that is fascism my friends, NOT capitalism.

    I love the ad hominem attacks- George Smiley. keep ’em coming and don’t let substance get in your way.

  45. Jane Says:

    By the way, I couldn’t agree more with Lab Lemming’s statement like 8 days ago that “t somehow, the question of competence is only raised when pretty women are running, and not gray old men.”

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