Social Media

December 3, 2010

Fucken twittering facebooking gibbering fucken imbeciles voluntarily delivering their private lives to fucken sociopathic corporations for resale to other fucken sociopathic corporations. I’ll fucken hammer a billion nails through my fucken dicke and pour a trillion gallons of gasoline on it and light the motherfucker on fire with a fucken thermonuclear bomb before I’ll involve myself in that fucken vicious destructive garbage. Fucke me.

18 Responses to “Social Media”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by brettslane and ENGINE-IUS Marketing, Pedro Montalvo Sr. Pedro Montalvo Sr said: Social Media « Comrade PhysioProf […]

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Fucken twittering facebooking gibbering fucken imbeciles voluntarily delivering their private lives to fucken sociopathic corporations for resale to other fucken sociopathic corporations

    Well so are many bloggers, you know 🙂

  3. gc Says:

    I feel your disgust on this, CPP.

  4. Mansfield Oil Says:

    I hear you are in the market for gasoline!

  5. Katharine Says:

    Fuckin’ A right! Never mind those fuckin’ morons who fuckin’ ‘tweet’ 140 fuckin’ character about what they shat for the amusement of the world. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck it makes me angry and frosts my ass.

    Or fuckin’ corporations named after numbers with 101 digits who can’t even spell the name of the number right. Or other fuckin’ stupid idiots.

    Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

  6. skeptifem Says:

    You know they pay some dude to analyze how many people drop name brands and if they were referred to favorably on those sites. Barf.

  7. El Picador Says:

    Dude. Your jr high girlfriend moved on. Stop getting mad at Facebook because she won’t accept your friend request.

  8. JustDucky Says:

    fukkital, i say. facebook, twitter, and all the other bullshite corporate wet dream sites can get blown the fuk up.

  9. veganrampage Says:

    Here, here.
    Always give’em fake name, DOB, answer diagonal opposite when possible in surveys, employ every blackopp to fuck the ad, and marketing biz, the bane* of our existence. Take this false info and shove it Big biz!

    Jeremy Scahill’s the only person worth following on The Twitter.

    *one of many banes

  10. […] I LOLed, anyway.  Bonus LOL:  someone put it on Twitter!  (Well, part of it.  It’s more than 140 […]

  11. Vellum Says:

    For me, the real beauty of this post is the accompanying advertisement tailored to my tastes by Google.

  12. Historiann Says:

    I don’t see any Google ads–and there are none on my blog. Where are the ads?

  13. Sxydocma1 Says:

    You should tweet CPP.
    I think you would be hilarious.
    Try it just for a day.

  14. drugmonkey Says:

    HAHAHAHHAAHA, he does. @PhysioProf

  15. Orson Says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, She doesn’t. PhysioWife.

  16. Yeah, but I don’t use my real name, so it’s okay.

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