Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Bitchez

March 14, 2009


35 Responses to “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Bitchez”

  1. jc Says:

    OMG! Did you make pigeons (pigs in a blanket… for you outsiders) for SPD?!

  2. scribbler50 Says:

    Wish I could’ve shared it with you, Dude, looks scrumptious.

  3. WTF is that? To my eyes, it looks like corned beef, cabbage and boiled potatoes. Yuck. Reminds me of the food my mother used to try to make me eat when I was young.

  4. That looks lovely, PP!

  5. leigh Says:

    mmm, looks delicious! and hey, there’s not enough ice in that motherfucking drink.

  6. LostMarbles Says:

    Is that stuffed cabbage? Excuse me, I think I need to go vomit.

  7. fia Says:

    Great, we’ve had that yesterday! Although I seem to suck at closing/rollinng the cabbage leaves around the meat so that nothing spills out. It’s like an art.

  8. That’s not stuffed cabbage; it’s just a quarter of a head of cabbage braised in the corned beef braising liquid.

  9. #1. You’re early.
    #2. I shall be right on time, making my nasty-looking but delicious dinner on Tuesday.
    #3. I usually cut my cabbage up a lot more, and it becomes big motherfucking mess in my pot. I like this quarter of a head thing much better.
    #4. I drink car bombs = way more fun, not any of this nasty straight-up Jameson shit.

  10. tai haku Says:

    That looks awesome. One of the few irritations of living on a tiny island paradise is the difficulty of getting the ingredients for simple but delicious stuff like this.

    Did you go with any kind of gravy/sauce for this?

  11. No gravy/sauce; just Colman’s mustard. That shit is fucking *strong*.

  12. Nancy Ortiz Says:

    I really wish you hadn’t posted this. I can taste that wonderful stuff from here. Jeez, I gotta call my sister and see if I can con her into boilin’ us up some dinner.

  13. Nancy Ortiz Says:

    PS: May I suggest you try powdered Coleman’s? You mix it up with water, vinegar or wine each time you use it. That way, it never gets dry or loses it’s remarkable, unforgettable flavor. They usually have it in upscale groceries–no need to go to a boutique type place. Enjoy!

  14. TomJoe Says:

    St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th! Now, I personally don’t need an excuse to eat corned beef and cabbage, but I add carrots to the pot as well. And of course, the meal isn’t complete without mustard, though I’m partial to Gulden’s (Spicy Brown).

  15. physiobabe Says:

    And lay some butter on that hot cabbage – DEEEEELISH!

  16. chezjake Says:

    Looking good. I usually add a few onions to the pot as well. Colman’s is outstanding mustard, but I’d prefer some really fresh horseradish with the corned beef, and some butter and a drizzle of cider vinegar on the cabbage.

  17. I did quarter a medium white onion and put it in the pot. That yellowish bit of slop on the front rim of the plate next to the potato is a bit of the disintegrated onion. I also dropped in a cheese-cloth sack containing three tablespoons of pre-mixed “pickling spice”, which includes cinnamon, mustard seed, allspice, coriander, bay leaf, ginger, cloves, chillies (whatever the fuck that is!), black pepper, mace, and cardamom.

  18. sandy Says:

    I just don’t get it. But I’m glad it makes so many people happy :-).

  19. What don’t you get? SPD? Corned beef? Mustard? Cabbage? Booze with a lot of ice? What?

  20. TomJoe Says:

    Maybe she doesn’t get the fact that your table setting has a knife, but no fork. 😛

  21. Physiogroupie IV Says:

    I shall be right on time, making my nasty-looking but delicious dinner on Tuesday.


  22. Maybe she doesn’t get the fact that your table setting has a knife, but no fork.

    I imagine the fork was in his mouth because he couldn’t wait to eat the shit. Personally, I am amazed the glass of Jameson is still full in the picture.

  23. drdrA Says:

    Um. You are having a hard time keeping up with DM, he’s got food, drinks,… and ambiance.

  24. drugmonkey Says:

    well, to be sure, I forgot to actually put up any pictures of the drinks….come to think of it that would’ve been kinda funny to witness failure

  25. tai haku Says:

    colman’s is indeed the shit – its the normal mustard we use back in blighty and these mild yank mustards just don’t cut the, erm, mustard by comparison.

  26. Toaster Says:

    Bloodyfuckingshit, I think my stomach is hiding somewhere up behind my kidneys now, even as I salivate. I’ve not eaten beef in, shit, 6 years and as such, eating that would be the digestive equivalent of noshing on an uncooked brick.

  27. lazygardens Says:

    I am so glad I’m not Irish!

  28. Jenn, PhD Says:

    It’s a classic. Mmmmmmmmmmmm…… haven’t had me some corned beef and cabbage in ages. Happy St Patty’s Day CPP!

  29. becca Says:

    Personally, I am amazed the glass of Jameson is still full in the picture.
    Well, is there a betting pool on what # that glass was?

    Rachel Maddow had how to make an Irish coffee on her show today (I must say, I liked it much better than the usual popculture segment). It used motherfucking Jameson. And made me really sad I can’t drink.

  30. taddyporter Says:

    Um-mmmm. Looks so good, Ima hafta put down my tumbler of Bushmills for a plateful.

  31. BB Says:

    No Guiness!? Just the Irish whiskey?
    Looks like it was delish anyway (comment is late, being I away).

  32. No Guiness!? Just the Irish whiskey?

    Oh, I drank a fuckton of Guinness on actual Saint Patrick’s Day!

  33. […] beefs (if you stick two of them in there) over each hour or so. Meanwhile….the part that makes boring old corned beef into something special…in this case Ruby Cumberland sauce which you will use to glaze the meat. […]

  34. […] beefs (if you stick two of them in there) over each hour or so. Meanwhile….the part that makes boring old corned beef into something special…in this case Ruby Cumberland sauce which you will use to glaze the meat. […]

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